Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm Baaaackk

at least for today.
yesterday was a snow day from work because I could not make the drive.
the roads were terrible.
first on the schedule of my day- get caught up on my "girlie tv" bc Bill was not home.
He walked to his downtown office.
then I felt like I needed to be somewhat productive and decided to clean out my closet and dresser.
it took me about 2 hours but when finished I was very proud of myself.
I was excited to show Bill bc as we all know, he is the KING of tidyness and order.
He was very happy as expected.

This morning I was standing in the closet still admiring the organization and Bill walked in and said this: "Isn't being clean fun???!!" with a HUGE shit- eating grin on his face.
I think that was one of the happiest Bill faces I've seen.

not much else to speak of:
-meeting with Mrs. CaptD today to put together our May PIB wedding party invites
-going ice fishing this weekend. I'm 40% scared of being on the ice and 40% scared of the airboat trip to get over to the island. But I'm 100% excited to see the Island winter style.
-last night we went to a sushi place downtown bc i was going stir crazy in the house. the sushi was half off- it was delish, but as usual my body does not eat anything "Chinese/Japanese/Asian" related and feel full- so we went to Panini's and I ate a piece of pizza and some fries- go diet go!
-15 days till our honeymoon!!!!


Anonymous said...

where you two off to on your honeymoon?

Jennie said...

Panama Canal
Costa Rica

Anonymous said...

This blog has gotten really weak. There aren't any posts! Don't tell me, there have been lots of dead guys turning up in Northeast Ohio lately...
Angry Johnny