Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My biggest fan...

oh Rob Deer- your tenacity inspires me.
so I shall write.
first, a SHOUT-OUT to Macie!!!


right now I'm super pissed bc I'm in a class full of hopeful and naive wanna-be teachers. They talk about these amazing and wonderful lesson plans and parents that are involved- blah blah blah- don't worry readers (Rob Deer), I'm there to tell them how it REALLY is.
I speak not because I care, but because if I don't, I'll stab my eyes with my pen from sheer boredom.

My favorite part about this past weekend:
- not the sausage house, although that was delish
- not 80s Band's surprised face- although that was an awesome surprise (Brooke planned a great party)
It was a moment I was sitting with 80sband's parents and Rob Deer's parents.
yes, them and me.
I dont even know what anyone else was doing, including my husband, bc frankly I didn't care.
It was entertainment at its finest.
we drank, we laughed, we drank, Rob Deer's dad had SEVERAL moments of amazing phrases of speech- my favorite being when he decided it was time to go home, he told Rob Deer's mom that they needed to go home and "talk about their love".

the only part I missed was the late-night dance party.
there was an attempt but instead I ate perogies and waited for Rob Deer to come back downstairs (he never did- apparently he was "tired")....

mmm perogies.....

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's paper...it's paperrrrr

Hi Rob Deer- just want to see if you really are still checking on the blog.