Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All caught up

1. Flew home drug-free to Florida
2. ate- Thanksgiving #1
3. visited with relatives and watched/listened to them fawn all over Bill
4. laughed when Bill announced he was a "conservative Christian from the North"- (sidenote- family is jewish)
5. ate- Thanksgiving #2
6. finally got to see the hotel where Bill and I will be married- LOVE IT!
7. ate (wedding tasting, YUM!)
8. played boggle- my brother rules at that game, me---> not so much-
9. ate- Thanksgiving leftovers
10. saw Four Christmases- good quick movie- love Vince Vaughn
11. ate- a MEAT FEAST at the Brazilian steakhouse
12. got thrown up on- by a baby
13. ate- my mom's famous spaghetti and meatballs
14. ate- breakfast at "famous" diner
15. watched the Gators kick the shit out of the Semenholes
16. had a myocardial infarction when Percy Harvin limped off the field
17. shivered- it was cold in South Florida, and rainy- oh well came back to Ohio just as pale as when I left
18. did not encounter any condo security nazis- very refreshing
19. sat in the dark- power outage (self inflicted bc EVERY SINGLE LIGHT AND TELEVISION WAS ON) at Thanksgiving #2
20. watched my fantasy team lose to the Mexican's team- now I MUST beat Rob Deer to get into the playoffs
21. felt joy bc two close friends got engaged! (congrats Legend 33 and.... (you need a name missy!)
22. did NOT see a race between Balls Deep and Bill
23. made my mom's dog pee everytime we walked in the door "Minnieeeeeeeee"
24. had a hair trial for the wedding
25. cried when we left for the airport
26. popped a valium for the plane ride back- all was GREAT!
27. picked up doggies from kennel- yeah!!!
28. unpacked
29. made easy Bill/Jennie staple dinner
30. got all caught up on Real Housewives of Orange County
31. crashed
32. woke up in a valium haze

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
i too adore benzos.