Friday, October 10, 2008

Pretty Lady

So yesterday was a really fun day for me...
Spent about 6 hours at the cardiologist.

-I am now radioactive for 3 days. Seriously. I even get to carry around a card that says I am radioactive. Not sure why though- should I announce it at whatever store I go to? Hmmm never wore a straight-jacket before....

-before any of my tests even got started there was a "situation".
The nurse that was to put my IV line had one direct question before she could get started. Actually that isn't true- she had one direct question AFTER she put the IV in me. "Could you be pregnant"- now, I'm pretty sure that almost 99% of the patients there have no problem answering "no" to that question, as their eggs are withered and dried up. But of course, mine aren't (not that old yet 80sBand!)- so I answer "well I guess I could be"- SHE THEN PROCEEDS TO RIP THE IV OUT OF MY ARM "Well we can not do the test today"-
I get pretty angry at this point and she explains that she was going to inject me with radiation (so they could watch it go thru my heart) and that could kill my "baby"- Of course I'm not pregnant, which I told her. She said "well you said you could be"- and I'm all "well of course I could be, I have sex and no birth control is 100% effective"-
"Are you pregnant"
"No, I don't think so"
"Are you breastfeeding"
"What the FUCK is wrong with you"- ok so I didn't say that.

This went back and forth for quite a while, I even laughed at one point bc it was so crazy. At which point I got yelled at, THIS IS NOT FUNNY, THIS IS RADIATION!!!

Anyhow somehow we got to common ground and back in went the IV line.

The rest of the visit was uneventful- had some treadmill tests, told everyone at the office that I cremated people- had some pictures taken of my heart- accidentally flashed a 90year old patient- good thing they have defibrillators in every room- yuck yuck.

And at the end, I got to leave with my very own holter monitor.

I look so hot I'm surprised Bill let me out of his sight today.....



Bill Teets said...

You are hot! Only a few more hours of wearing it :)

Anonymous said...

I could have done without the "I have sex" part!! ICH!!!!!

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

hope everything is ok!

Anonymous said...



dudethatsrad said...

aww jar too bad you couldn't sport that at the wedding sunday! let me know when you get the results.