Monday, November 10, 2008

My hero...and other stuff...

Well it's time for Thanksgiving!!!
My "friends" have appeared and I was really excited to greet them!

For those that are NOT from Florida- this family is from Publix (supermarket) and they start showing up in commercials in October.
I love them.

And now onto my hero.
Some may know him as Bill...some may know him as me, he is the GREAT FAN INSTALLER!!!
We now have a bedroom ceiling fan.
My nightly menopausal heat waves are over!!!
The great part, is that mid-fan installation, Bill ran into a bit of a problem.
Something to do with the bolts, whatever I don't know- he was getting really frustrated. The solution was to turn around and head back to Home Depot to get more parts. I felt bad for him when he left. He was not happy.
Scary Bill!
Anyhoo to my surprise he walked back in only about 5 minutes later with parts in you may ask?
My crafy husband decided to just check the condo utility room, (yeah the dopes here leave that shit OPEN and UNLOCKED- arghhh) and found the parts there!!
Thanks Billy!

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