Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things I Hate

1. Football players that elect to have season-ending surgery after the season has started- F YOU MERRIMAN!

2. When a Funeral Director comes in and sarcastically remarks "Flip Flop Wednesday is it?" (yes I wear flip-flops to work, so does my boss- eat it)

3. When scientists start a new experiment:
that I think wastes TONS of $$$ AND now makes me afraid we are going to be sucked in a black hole. (no joke, I fear these types of things- also asteroids are on that list as well)

4. When people keep interrupting me with "work" while I am trying to look at honeymoon ideas online.

5. This non-stop coverage of Obama's "pig in lipstick" remark- I don't like Obama but this isn't a story worth covering.

6. The new 90210, I tried again last night to watch it, Bill even tried to- it isn't good.

7. The fact that it is only Wednesday.

8. The coach of Miami WHINING bc we went for a touchdown with 29 seconds left- wtf?!!! should we have just spooning each other on the field rather than keep playing the game of FOOTBALL?!!!!!!!!!

9. It is soo nice outside today and I am stuck at work smelling a decomposing body.

10. The 400lb gorilla


Bill Teets said...

I wish it was flip flop Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

The LHC is actually really cool, and you do not have to worry, it will not kill us all!!! LOL (and even if it does you will never know it ;) ) It really is an amazing marvel of engineering, they have been building it since like 1984. Anyway, that is enough nerd talk for today.... main point - don't worry nothing will happen.

Anonymous said...

I just read an article that made me think of you. One of the physicists at the LHC as a joke put a sign on one of the control panels that said -"Push Here for Black Hole Creation."
I thought that was pretty funny!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, check out these web cams at the LHC!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh also - not to sound totally dorky and argumentative, but one thing you should know is that if it was not for this LHC project their would be no such thing as the World Wide Web. The Internet that we all know, love AND BLOG ON :) - is a direct result of the on-going research and development preparing for this massive testing facility. Not that it isn't scary to think of the end of the world, but there definitely are some great things that can come from this beast!!