Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Leaving soonish to go to my first cemetery convention meeting.
Not all that excited about it- I predict I will be the youngest there by roughly 40 years or so.
So we'll see...

On another note, I'd like to nominate Billy Donovan for coach of the year.
Why- you ask- the Gators didn't even make it into the tournament.
here is why: because when they failed to make it in, BD didn't say ok, maybe next year- instead he DENIED THEM ACCESS TO THEIR 15 MILLION DOLLAR TRAINING FACILTY and and and he ripped their uniforms and stuff!!!
oh god I love it!!
It goes along with my methodolgy that when a player does something sucky on the football team- he should be taken off the field and his scholarship should be taken away!!!

In the neverending saga of our condo life, this time over the weekend, someone dumped a ton of french fries on the floor down one of the hallways!
Apparently one guy has been getting lots of complaints bc he had a typed note posted on his front door basically saying"if you had an issue with him, here is where you can reach him"- He better hope that a guy named Teets never gets a hold of him.
Getting a condo unit owners board organized is my big goal right now. We are well over the 25% units sold stipulation to get it going. Of course I had to inform our property manager of this fact.
I just want something (the board) to back me when things like food splatterage occurs.
I guess the board can more formally handle things vs. me continuously leaving notes like "pick up your f-ing shit!".

Picked my brackets last night. This definitely fuels my competitive spirit and makes me really excited for tourney time. I'm hoping to spend at least 10 straight hours at Bws at some point over the weekend.....

1 comment:

Bill Teets said...

Fines, liens, then foreclosure...this is what I am expecting out of my board for fries on the floor (or more specifically, not picking up your fries after you spill them).